
Use Apache Spark To Bring More IT Projects To Completion

It’s a disheartening statistic, but more than 50% of IT software projects fail because they run out of time, resources or funds. With a lack of proper commitment by management, the expertise of those working on the project, and overall budgetary expectations, IT projects can’t reach completion. Oftentimes the disconnect has something to do with an absence of communication, or not enough information being shared on time. This can lead to data not getting processed quickly enough to be actionable, so the project gets halted in its tracks.

Addressing these issues involves the buy-in of both IT teams and upper management. Once everyone is able to get on the same page, potential solutions for the pain points IT projects are experiencing can go under review. One avenue for support is to find the right application to help address problems; something everyone can learn to use that has operational benefits.

What may lead to project failure?

The top reasons IT projects get canceled involve issues within communication, requirements, training, scheduling, and timing. According to the report, A Replicated Survey of IT Software Project Failures by Khaled El Emam and A. Günes Koru 33 percent of IT projects fail because senior management is not sufficiently involved. The same amount gets canceled because there are too many requirements or the project scope changes midway.

Looking at this data in broader strokes, IT projects most commonly fail as a result of three major issues:

  • Lack of communication.
  • No plan or timeline.
  • Failure to address feedback.

These can branch off into smaller problems like poor project management, a lack of resources, or unexpected risks, but the end result is the same. IT projects don’t get completed and the organization is then at risk of not having valuable data to influence major decision-making.

How to Improve Statistics?

Leveraging the right technology effectively can help remedy many of these speed bumps to project completion. Educating everyone involved in a project on appropriate applications, aligning performance so that it remains on budget, and keeping people engaged through quick delivery of analytics can all keep IT projects on track until the end. Additionally, communication is a hugely essential element for successful project completion. Information should trickle down as necessary from upper management to the analysts and other team members as it pertains to project specifications and goals. When someone knows why they’re doing the work, it makes more sense and keeps them more engaged with completing the project. Additional strategies for bringing an IT project to completion include:

  • Assigning a project manager focused on successful project outcomes.
  • Aligning project requirements to business goals for additional clarity.
  • Nurturing an environment of collaborations between developers and business representatives.

These strategies work best when your developers don’t work solely within their IT silo. Allowing them to engage with the business side of operations, to understand more fully how the entire organization works, provides additional clarity as to the connection between their work and the goals of the company. It can make it easier for the right questions to get asked and encourage collaboration, which helps make projects run more smoothly.

An Apache Spark Implementation in Organization allows you to interact with multiple types of information repositories to ensure access to every location with valuable data sets, whether structured or unstructured. Implementation of Apache Spark is for Business Intelligence, Developers, and Embedded use; your decision has consequences. If you want to use the full power of Spark, program it legitimately to their processing engine.

Tips for using Apache Spark to bring more IT projects to the finish line

One application to consider helping improve your organization’s success rate when it comes to IT projects is Apache Spark. This program helps decrease the percentage of incomplete projects by accelerating data analytics, enabling real-time results, and helping organizations of any size derive greater value and insights from information. Apache Spark is one option that can help you develop strategies for more effective data analysis. This can lead to a better understanding of the connection between data and business an insight, which helps establish a competitive advantage.

If Apache Spark seems right for your organization, here are a few ways it can help support productivity:

  • Open-end agility

    The working environment can change quickly for IT professionals, but open-end agility allows you to keep up with new versions of software, as well as essential tools, technologies, processes as they emerge.

  • Real-time performance

    Accelerate the velocity of data analytics through underlying infrastructure, performance, and functionality.

  • Cost-savings

    To ensure the Spark environment fully utilizes current processing capabilities, select infrastructure elements and technologies use storage-side virtualization, dynamic resource allocation, and other related functionality. This helps organizations to save big on hardware and other ancillary costs, keeping projects on budget.

  • Support

    Providing a complete Spark solution rather than asking you to create your package by own ensures a more successful implementation. More amenable to an open-source community, with an environment capable of running multiple versions smoothly, this solution also interacts with components already in operation. It’s open and flexible enough to incorporate new and evolving technology as it becomes available, like machine learning and deep learning frameworks.

Apache Spark implementation and consulting services have helped government, research organizations and businesses productively. For providing a simple and quick approach to run intuitive analytics on large datasets, Apache Spark utilizes in-memory processing. The coding skills for using Apache Spark is less i.e., no specialized coding skills needed which is the best advantage. In fact, Apache Spark is an innovation well worth observing and learning about. It additionally makes conceivable to write code faster and more rapidly. Thus, the way to add code is a lot shorter and data analysis is made possible.

With the right technology, and proper internal support and communication IT projects can achieve a greater level of completion. Common issues that contribute to incompletion can easily be addressed and resolved the more comfortable employees are working within the IT environment and the more easily teams can come together across different departments. Failure does not have to be an option.

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