Learning How to Learn: The Best Studying Lifehacks

Learning is a fundamental practice that we start practicing from the moment we are born. When we first open our eyes, we learn. When we learn to take the first steps, we learn. Whenever we talk to other people, play sports, or practice hobbies, we learn.
When we get into school, our learning starts to get measured and grades begin to shape the standards of our performance.
College and university are the next-level type of learning. These are the places where we make the transition from childhood to adulthood. Nevertheless, academic studies are an amazing experience that defines our mindsets, personalities, and life objectives.
As an academic tutor who constantly teaches students how to write a good assignment essay, I have understood a troubling reality, which is that most students don’t know how to learn.
For that reason, in today’s article, I’m going to share several insightful studying lifehacks that students can leverage to improve the performance of their learning.
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Speak Out Loud the Information You Read
Have you ever tried speaking out loud the things you read? It may sound or look weird, yet it is an extremely effective way to memorize information faster. When you’re trying to remember something, putting it down on a piece of paper is often going to help you create better memory links. It works the same way with speaking.
Reward Yourself for Every Success
Our brains are constantly seeking to avoid pain while trying to gain pleasure. When you have to learn how to write an assignment in APA style (for example), you’re likely to associate that process with pain.
To make things better and gain motivation to push through, reward yourself for every single successful step you take. Practice until you get your first satisfying result and reward yourself properly. By doing so, your brain will associate every new learning challenge with the pleasure gained by the reward that follows.
Solidify Your Knowledge by Teaching Others
Learning is somehow similar to love. To be loved by others, you must love yourself. Also, when you give love, you will also receive it back.
After I’ve managed to write my university assignment, which was more complicated than I ever thought it would be, I started offering professional assignment assistance that taught others how to go through the process. This has not only helped me build self-confidence but has also solidified my academic writing skills.
Use Times New Roman Font to Read Faster
Time is a precious asset that all students should take seriously. The more you learn the more knowledgeable and skilled you’ll become. By reading academic information using the Times New Roman Font, you’ll be able to quicken the learning process because you’ll be able to read faster.
If you don’t believe me, try it. Use any other font and compare it with Times New Roman and track down your results.
Leverage Distraction-Blocking Apps
Distractions are the primary enemy of most of today’s students. Social media networks, phone notifications, video games, mobile games – all of these factors will tempt you to avoid your biggest responsibilities.
Learning requires concentration, and concentration is one of the most important resources that we need to preserve. Studies suggest that studying for 53 minutes straight (followed by a 17-minutes break) is the ideal concentration routine that skyrockets productivity.
Take advantage of distraction-blocking apps to simplify the concentration process. Whenever you’ll feel tempted to ditch studying, the app that you’ll be using will keep your phone or laptop locked.
Take Regular Breaks
Your brain is a living organism that works in cycles. Just like we go to sleep at night in order to rest and wake up in the morning in order to learn and be productive, our brain needs to take breaks in order to process the information it gains. Taking regular breaks will enhance and even speed up the learning process.
Associate Certain Music with Studying
During university time, I have found a great studying lifehack that has shaped my learning and working style forever. Music.
Not every type of music, but classical music. That shouldn’t be the case for you, but it should be something that doesn’t have lyrics. I have associated classical music with writing productivity. Nowadays, before I write my assignment (regardless of its nature), I listen to Beethoven and Chopin compositions.
Try to find something that helps you focus and listen to it every time you’re studying and give it a positive association.
Learning leads to progress, and progress leads to growth. A successful life is conditioned by consistent learning. People that stop caring about their personal and professional development will often end up dissatisfied and unfulfilled. And there’s a simple explanation for that: learning is an important human need that needs to be met.
As a student, it is critically important to realize that the way you learn today will shape the way you’ll live your life. Once you’re done studying for academic purposes, learning doesn’t stop. Use today’s tips and tricks to develop effective mental habits that’ll shape your mindset forever!