How do I find the right application for your business?

Every business is different. Also in the case of applications, it is possible that a specific type of application is adapted to your company. You may wonder if creating an application for your business is a necessity. In any case, it is important to start by analyzing the problems we detect in our company. Then we will have to ask ourselves how to solve them and whether a mobile application can be considered as a solution.
Of course, this is an issue that concerns many businesses. This is often a good option for improving the company’s productivity. Although that’s not always why we create an app for Android, iOS or even multiplatform.
In this sense, to enable you to make the best decision, we have prepared a decision process for you. A short 4-Step Method to find out which application for business is best suited for your business.
Table of Contents
Detecting the problem
The first step before you start thinking about creating an application is to find out why you need it. Detect the problem you have in your company and try to define the cause. This is a process that you have to do with all the departments of the company. It will allow you to know everyone’s needs and problems.
A good example might be if employees spend a lot of time completing reports. Or if they need an effective way to arrange the shifts and holidays of a large company. Or we could even detect the case where we have a lot of visits to our site from smartphone and Tablet, but that 80% leave the basket.
Study in depth the procedures your company implements and how they can be improved. Your goal can be to both improve productivity and increase sales. It’s up to you, identify what’s wrong and how you can improve it with an application for your business.
Investigate the actions of competitors or the like
Keep in mind that the problems you are facing may have already arrived at other companies. It is a good tactic to study the solutions implemented by others. You will probably get clear advice and ideas on what to do, and especially what not to do.
Look not only at your sector but also at other more diverse companies. It can be a good way to catch up with your competitors and outperform them.
Identify where your business is located in the table below
As we said, each company is different, and depending on your problem, you will have to choose one solution or another. This is why we wanted to define a table in which we can group some solutions that can fit your business.
Remember that these are just a few examples, but they can serve as a reference in many cases. The mobile app can be a real solution for your organization.
Your problem may not fit these assumptions, but at least it is a starting point. In addition, as the last line of the table says, the solution may be to create a custom application. In all cases, we recommend that you consult with a consultant to find out how to proceed in each case.
Ask for a detailed quote
Now that you have a rough idea of what kind of enterprise application you might need, you just need to determine an estimated budget.
The Importance of Mobile Applications for SMEs
It’s no secret that entertainment apps keep customers loyal and allow them to convey corporate values to consumers while entertaining them. That is why the development of mobile applications for small businesses and their customers is so important. On the other hand, don’t worry about developing his successful mobile app is easier than you might imagine.
For many SMEs, it is essential to introduce customers to their company culture and its benefits. This can be achieved by a very simple and efficient method: the use of video games. Applications allow users to become more familiar with how a business works.
In this way, companies get many potential customers and users can enjoy proximity to companies that are present in their lives through the application. By creating mobile games, many companies are able to get a significant number of customers who use their apps to have a better view of the company.
What is the purpose of developing mobile applications for SMEs
The goal is customer loyalty. The development of mobile applications is aimed at a new audience. An audience that is no longer convinced or attracted by cheap merchandising. Potential customers use their mobile phones to carry out up to 90% of their daily activities.
“It’s about integrating the brand into the consumer’s lifestyle. He may not know how to handle a video game console, but he is interested in responding to a questionnaire on the geographical origin of the different chocolates of his favorite brand,” assures Jesús Hernández, an expert in advertising and communication.
The Secret Lies in Gamification
It is a style of application development very much in demand by SMEs. SMEs use gamification mechanisms to give visibility to their products or services.
However, there are some very important factors to consider when using this type of application before embarking on a gamification approach.
Your Type of Business
First of all, it is important that you think carefully about the reasons that drive you to develop this style of application. Creating an application to follow the current mode is not necessarily a good idea.
The service industry adapts perfectly to these tools. However, when it comes to other industries you have to be very careful. This kind of application does not always work with the more “serious”, sober and traditional industries.
Our experts enlighten us on this subject: “it is not the same to make a game for a restaurant as for a law firm, although the game for the latter can work if it is based on a good idea. The key lies in the creativity of the company and therefore in the product it develops”.
To illustrate our point, here is an example. The store downstairs may have the idea of creating a role play (RPG). This role-playing game would consist of a treasure hunt in which customers would have to search the shelves for certain parts or prices.
The Target of the Application
Any company planning to develop one or more mobile applications must consider the market it wants to target. This involves users who will be potentially interested in the application.
“Audiovisual storytelling, graphic design and aesthetics vary depending on whether it is aimed at adults or children,” as mobile developers and designers say. Younger people are more attracted to simple drawings and games, so it would be interesting to incorporate a pet or hero, for example. On the other hand, one of the main targets is Generation Z which is very connected, so we can ask how to create an attractive application for Generation Z?
On the other hand, SMEs can devote their mobile application to improving the knowledge of young customers. Thus, it is possible for parents to choose to download the application to allow their child to learn in a playful way. We can also talk about the augmented reality that allows the development of educational applications
This is easier when it comes to adults because a company can combine its services with many leisure applications. This allows the user to learn the company’s values while relaxing.
The application model you are looking for
It is difficult to establish a specific model that ensures successful implementation. This peculiarity can be reflected in many aspects ranging from handling to aesthetics. In the end, these features will have an impact on user choice.
User interest in your application
To ensure the success of the application, we must arouse the interest of the user so that he does not get bored and does not leave the application before he uses it. This can be done by posing challenges that allow for real rewards.
In conclusion
You need to know exactly what market you’re going to focus on and how you’re going to do it before you start developing mobile applications for SMEs. If you have a good application idea and you think it will strengthen your business and benefit its users then you should go for it.