Would Your Life Genuinely Improve By Moving To Thailand? Is It All It’s Cracked Up To Be?

If you’ve ever met someone who has travelled to Thailand, or has lived there for a period of time, we can almost guarantee that their experiences were very positive. In fact, Thailand is consistently referred to as being one of the best locations is the world for expats. But, is it really all it’s cracked up to be? And could your life genuinely improve if you were to take the plunge and relocate? Let’s take a closer look…
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Are you craving change?
If you are feeling stagnant in your life and craving change, then the likelihood is that it’s your environment that is getting you down. Understandably, the prospect of moving away from friends and family can feel daunting, however, you have to put your own happiness above everyone else’s. That, and you don’t necessarily have to relocate to Thailand permanently to benefit from a change of scenery.
More bang for your buck
One of the best ways in which you can benefit from moving to Thailand is the cost of living. On a western wage, your money will go so much further in Thailand, thus allowing you to lead a superior quality of life.
Particularly at a time when the cost of living in most Western countries is skyrocketing, with wages very much remaining the same, now is as good a time as any to uproot your life and try something new.
Not only that, but healthy living in Thailand is so cheap! In most Western countries, it’s cheaper to eat junk food than it is to stock up on healthy, organic produce. This isn’t a great way to live.
The weather is glorious
If you live in the UK, for example, then you’ll be used to putting up with the cold, the wind, and the rain for the majority of the year. But, just because you are used to it, it doesn’t mean that it has to be your reality.
Why spend your life dreaming about living in a tropical climate when it’s within your reach?
The accommodation is exceptional
There are so many cheap houses for sale in Thailand – many of which are significantly cheaper than the West. Rather than spend your life savings on a small house in the UK, why not treat yourself to a larger, luxury property for a fraction of the price?
The grass isn’t always greener on the other side, but when it comes to Thailand, it really is!
Immerse yourself in nature
Thailand has some of the most intensely beautiful natural surroundings in the world, from rolling emerald green hills and tropical islands laced with fish-tail palms, to mountains gilded with ancient temples and plush beaches with soft-white sand.
If you are a lover of nature, you’ll find mother nature in abundance in Thailand.
Final thoughts
Again, your environment has such a huge impact on your physical and mental health and overall quality of life. If you are getting itchy feet and crave change, we urge you to consider moving to Thailand – even if it’s only for a few years while you figure things out.
One life. That’s all we get.