How to Make Money Online

Making money is a difficult task, isn’t it? You need to put a lot of effort, work day and night, pull a lot of strings; and only after doing all these can you earn some money, right?
No. Wrong!
Wondering why? Go through the rest of the article to find out how to make money online.
Click Bank gives you the perfect opportunity to earn some extra money without much hassle. According to the governing body of Click Bank, their business objective is to help the users earn some extra bucks without much effort. With that objective, they have created this site where you can earn money through affiliate marketing and social media marketing.
Are you feeling interested? Are you curious to learn about these two types of marketing and start earning? Let’s check out.
Affiliate marketing is one of the traditional types of online marketing where you have to refer people to any random online product. And when the recipients make a purchase based on your recommendation, you get a payment.
Table of Contents
Here are the steps involved in affiliate marketing.
Step 1
Find the right product – On the first step, you need to find out a profitable product which can provide you a good commission.
Step 2
Sign Up – After you research extensively for any product and select the best one, you need to get approval from the concerned portal and promote the product.
Step 3
Get approval – After you get the approval from the respective portal, you will be given a unique affiliate link where you can track the sales.
Step 4
Promote – Well, this is the last step. Promote the given affiliated link as determined by the product owner. After that, the commission will be sent to you after you make a sale.
Why Should You Choose Click Bank?
Though we have already mentioned all the steps required to earn some extra money through the affiliate marketing, there are some networks like Amazon Associates, Share A Sale, Shopify, Rakuten Marketing, CJ Affiliate and several others.
While all of these networks seek to reduce the hassle of applying for individual product maker over the internet, the best one is Click Bank. Here’s why. Click Bank allows the owners a chance to sell a wide range of products. These also include digital products like computer software and other ebooks.
There are several categories including the following: arts and entertainment, business or investment, computer software and internet, e-business and e-marketing, education, employment and jobs, fiction, wine, cooking and food, games, green products, health and fitness, home and garden, languages, mobile, parenting and families, politics and current events, references, self-help, software and services, spirituality, new age, and alternative beliefs, sports and travel.
An extensive guide to help you log in
You can easily login here and create your account. They also offer an extensive guide to help you log in. Let’s discuss it. You can browse the categories of products on the left side of the portal. Here you can find the right product in the Find Products bar on the top of the page and search it by keyword as mentioned above.
If you seek to view the vendor’s pitch page you may click the listing title. You can also find an easy guide to help you how much you may earn through the referred sales. Now click the promote tab to make a HopLink and you can readily start referring sales.
If you are not much knowledgeable about affiliated marketing, Click Bank allows you to learn about it so that you can take advantage of all its features and earn more and more money!
Now that you have learnt to set an account in Click Bank, let’s discuss how can you form a customized HopLink.
Form a customized HopLink
After you select a product, you need to inform it to the Click Bank vendor. Now before you can be able to start to refer and promote a product, you need to form a customized HopLink. This customized HopLink is basically a referral tracker URL. It informs the Click Bank that you will be the affiliate to instigate the purchase with the help of promotion. This will help the vendor to track your commission.
Affiliates are open to promote any product in whichever way possible. You can promote through content marketing, email marketing or through other share options. But make sure that the customized HopLink is used in whichever promotional content you use. Otherwise, Click Bank vendor will not be able to track your commission and you won’t receive the payment.
If your promotion turns out to be successful, customers will learn about the product and purchase from your link. This will enable the Click Bank vendors to understand that the customer has used your link while purchasing and offer you a commission after they make a purchase.
Sharing Promotional Content
You can share the promotional content to your family, friends, relatives, or absolutely unknown people. Click Bank vendors do not have any preference that you have to share the promotional content in your contact list. Anybody, no matter who he or she is, can make a purchase from your HopLink and the Click Bank vendors will understand the purchase has been done using your link. Also, this will enable you to earn a commission.
Your portion of the sale commission is determined based on the particular percentage the vendor has fixed. The vendors can select any commission rate between 1 to 75 per cent. If the sale comes with a recurring element, then the commission for your portion of that particular purchase can be different from the initial purchase.
Here’s a quick tip
Remember that you can earn a maximum of $150 on each sale based on your link.
Once you get the commission, it’s important to get it into the real cash. Well, once your payment goes beyond a fixed rate then you can issue a check or make a direct deposit from the Click Bank account. You can also seek to change the preference of getting money.
Now that you have learnt the easiest way to earn money on Click Bank, what are you waiting for! Dig in!