Digital Marketing

Instagram Algorithm Tips to Improve Your Reach

Instagram has its own set of algorithms that curate the posts and decide how they have to be presented on other news feeds. Regular Instagram users will be proficient with these algorithms. But, Instagram keeps modifying them and has released its new set of algorithms for the year 2020.  These algorithms are a set of programs that determine what Instagram will do to your feed.

Instagram makes use of image recognition technology to gain access to the content of a post and ranks it based on the content and interest. These algorithms also dictate the order of posts that users see on their profile as they scroll down.

The algorithm pushes the most relevant posts to the top to render better visibility. Advertisers and digital marketers can harness the Instagram algorithm to render better exposure to their posts and reach their target audience better. Also, by using the right, relevant instagram hashtags proved to be a real game changer. Now, there are some best hashtag generators available for Instagram to use in finding hashtags to use in your post. Now, let’s get back to algorithms.

Outsmarting the Instagram Algorithm to Improve Reach

The Instagram algorithm works on machine learning techniques. It is now mandatory for businesses to fine-tune their marketing skills. They have to grab the attention of the user within the average 28 minutes they spend on this platform. Though the algorithm is susceptible to change, three major ranking factors are maintained constant, which are as follows

  • User Relationship: Users who frequently interact with past feeds are likely to get future content. Brands can use this factor to repeat engagement and promote brand loyalty.
  • The interest of the user: The interest shown by the user in similar content will enhance their probability of getting new feeds.
  • Timeliness: Instagram seems to follow a chronological order with its posts. Thus, the recent posts are placed on top of the feed.

Post Quality Photos

We all know that Instagram is a digital magazine where various brands can communicate with their end audience directly through news feeds. Getting a direct landing on the feeds of followers is possible only through high-quality content.

Be empathetic, stand in the shoes of your consumer, and tune your posts to stay attractive in the eyes of the beholder. Create visually appealing photos with bold colors and breathtaking backgrounds. Use natural light as your tool to force your viewers to hit the ‘like’ icon. You can also take advantage of various Instagram filters to create attractive and professional visuals. But make sure you use Instagram hashtag generators apps to generate hashtags for you that are relevant as well as popular.

Publish Stories More Frequently

Consistency and user engagement go hand in hand. Brands should never allow their followers to forget them. Though stories have very little impact on the Instagram algorithm, they still touch the 500 million user mark daily.

Post stories, along with your regular posts, as performing both at the same time helps with better visibility. It also encourages your followers to check your brand’s content indirectly.

Concentrate on Video Content

Though there is nothing like videos dominating photos on Instagram, videos still have the potential to grab better attention from followers.

  • Both short-form and long-form videos force people to stop and concentrate.
  • Videos are the best ways to grab people’s attention who otherwise simply scroll down the app.
  • Instagram now allows IGTV content on the followers’ feeds, which is great news for creators.

Harness the Time Factor

We know that Instagram likes those who are consistent and post feeds regularly, but the Instagram algorithm also pays attention to the time of the posts. It expects feeds to be current and up to date to push them on the top.

  • Instagram requires only the latest posts and gives preference to the time of the posts. It wants its users to gain access to only the recent content.
  • By personalizing the best time to post on Instagram, it is possible to gain more followers and likes.
  • Posting at a time when most of your followers are online gives your feed a better exposure.

Take advantage of the best time to post calculators to learn the top seven post times for better end-user engagement.

Final Takeaway

Thus, the Instagram algorithm favors those who post frequently and displays the most recent posts. The performance of a feed also depends on the number of its followers and the percentage of its activeness. Posts having a few followers will not get good algorithmic ranks.

Additionally, the quality of your posts should be high. You must also post more Instagram stories to have a better chance of reaching a large number of viewers. The more stories you post, the more views your feed will get and the better will be its ranking.


Charity is a Content writer, Copywriter, Digital marketing expert and blogger. Her main objective is to make others life smooth and easy by providing digital marketing services, SEO, SMM, PP and many more digital marketing services. You can read more Biographies. Techi ideas, Homes Updates, 365 Days Tips, Reviews Consult, Business Magazine Us, >, The Guide Gator Yandex Games theboring magazine

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